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Project Cases




I have received an offer from the talented Andreas Pohl to design a branding for a product he has invented, a cookie that instead of bringing good vibes would bring terrible funny negative phrases.
This incredible idea skyrocket the German market and landed on many european contries, bringing a whole new family of products to the game: from Christimas calendars to brutal dark humored toys.
What started as a package design ended on a series of four animated commercials for TV, and many collaborations on the development process of some of their special products.

Definitely my kind of humor.

See the Package design project

Watch the animated TV spots

See the Christmas Calendar project



The first request I got from Aiimi was quite challenging: to design a infographic that shows how the data is managed on big companies using their innovative AI data mesh system.

The analogy of a futuristic data city was the best way to visualize such abstact subject.

The project had a great feedback from the company and their clients that we started a great partnership to develop several other visual keys and illustrations for the most different demands, including a full 3D animated explanatory movie.

See the Data City illustration
See the 3D Explanainer movie

See a few more illustrations



Wrigleys Doublemint China

I was approached by Lobo to help them designing a few frames for a Pitch for the gum brand Wrigleys.
The frames ended up winning the pitch and I took care of the entire production, from pre to post production, leading a very small team of animators in order to provide the most efficient workflow, which was decisive due the timezone.

See the project


Magia de Aruna - Disney+

DOT Cine came up with an incredible request to help them with concept arts for the Disney+ series they were post-producing about five witches and a magic stone. The tasks included designing a few props and pre-visualize special effects scenes as well as to design the five different intros based on each witch power.


The result you can see on the project page


© 2015 by Renato Klieger.

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